Monday, July 30, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Marble Hornets
Let me begin by saying this is some really fucked up SHIT!!!!! With that said I've got a lot to cover I'm gonna get technical and add lots of links. Before getting into this I had no clue what was in store and now i (just like Jay) im too far into this to explain EVERYTHING so let me explain what i can and if you have never seen the series, I apologize in advance for any spoilers but i just spent an ENTIRE DAY AND 1/2 watching and hopefully i can shed some light or hopefully get you into watching for yourself!
Marble Hornets is a web series following discoveries made while looking through raw footage of a trite student film.
Again, this gets a little confusing so im gonna do my best to tell you who all is involved and come of the conections these people have
This guy here is Jay. A college friend of student filmmaker Alex Kralie, and the last person Alex talked to before leaving town. Jay wound up in possession of the raw tapes for Marble Hornets, the original student film, but forgot about them until he read something online that reminded him of them.
This is Tim One of the actors of Marble Hornets. He met up with Jay in Entry #15 to discuss the circumstances surrounding Marble Hornets, but was under the impression that Jay would be continuing the project. Started developing an Illness towards the end of production. Known for his sideburns.
This is Alex. A student filmmaker and friend of Jay. While making his first student film, Marble Hornets, in the summer of 2006, he rapidly grew stressed and paranoid. Eventually he outright dropped the project, due to "unworkable conditions" on the set, despite the fact that the set was largely in or around his home town. He soon after broke off contact with everyone and disappeared.
Essentially the key plot development. Over the course of the series, we find he's been frequently interacting with the Operator, has lied to Jay, and worst of all, has either killed innocent people or otherwise lead them to their deaths, going all the way back to the filming of Marble Hornets. This culminates in Alex attempting to kill Jay and Jessica for knowing too much. Jay states that his new goal is to find Alex and stop him from hurting anyone else.
Turns out Alex lied about finding Amy to Jessica so she wouldn't get involved in his problems. Jay, however, didn't realize this, and got Jessica caught up in his investigation, leading Alex to try to kill them both in Entry #52. Then there was her Mind Rape from the Operator, and later her abduction from the hotel. Yup, Jay well and truly ruined Jessica's life.
Alex's girlfriend, introduced in Entry #26. She was the one who found the camera Alex used during filming, inadvertently summoning the Operator. She has not been seen since.
Slenderman (a.k.a The Operator):Like you don't already know he is a Tall, Faceless, Creature that has been stalking the cast of Marble Hornets. Alex gradually became aware of it during filming, and went from curiosity to paranoia as it kept appearing. It can appear and disappear seemingly at will, covering great distances in an eyeblink when unobserved. Recordings of him are subject to Heavy distortions, while people suffer anything from coughing fits to complete mental blackouts (and those might be the lucky ones). Oh, and buildings associated with him develop ability to BREAK THE LAW OF PHYSICS just to confirm his contempt for natural laws.
A masked person that first appeared in entry #18, who follows and stalks Jay. Has since been revealed to be Tim, and had his leg broken by Alex. This didn't stop him attacking Alex later, and chasing Jay out of the hotel after Jessica vanished. He has some connection to the Operator, but whether he's working for or against him is as unclear, as is everything else about the two of them.
Ok now if i haven't lost you yet along with the Marble Hornets "Entries" there is the totheark videos that go along with the series. totheark is the name of both the YouTube channel where video replies to The Entries are posted and the assumed name for the person(s) behind the account. The videos are thought to contain the missing or distorted audio to The Entries, as well as strings of text or symbols of unexplained origins and significance. Neither the identity of
totheark nor whether it is an individual or group has been revealed.
totheark first appeared when he posted his regards as a reply to Entry 9. Little was known from this at the time, however, as it seemed a very difficult code to crack. The Regards video was a series of flashing boxes of slashes ending in CLOSELY written strangely set to distorted audio which has not been placed concretely.
totheark returned when he uploaded his Operator Video and set it as a response to Entry 10. This one seemed to be a little more obvious in its message to LISTEN.
When Jay posted Entry 12, he twittered that he was expecting a response from totheark, and totheark did not disappoint. Only two days later, totheark's impurityappeared online.
Totheark also seems to be responsible for Entry ######, as Jay claims he did not upload it.
Like with Entry ######, Totheark seems to be responsible for enttry 37, as Jay claims he did not upload it.
Thirteen days after Entry 40, totheark posted Intermission.
Thirteen days after Entry 46, totheark posted Classified.
Twenty-one days after Entry 49, totheark posted Extraction.
The way that Marble Hornets progresses in entries is also suspenseful, sometimes you get a small chunk of story other times your are given almost w whole epic. The story is still being updated, and each new entry has a cliffhanger ending, leaving you on the edge of your seat and wishing for more.
I find it fun to try to piece together the videos and speculate about how the series might end and who the mysterious Slenderman might be. Sometimes, a new entry brings with it something totally different than my expectations and surprises you.
I enjoy Marble Hornets because not only does it have a lingering creepy feeling. Every moment of an entry leaves you clinging to your chair, expecting Slenderman to appear and scare the living daylights out of you.
If you are a person who likes horror, suspense, and twisting plots, I highly recommend Marble Hornets. the worst part tho is you will always be cautiously looking out windows and around corners for fear of the mysterious Slenderman.(I myself finding it hard to ever get scared is completly fighted by the thought that he is always around watching me "he scares me worse than God and im an Athiest!")
Personal Update
Apparently i've gotten myself deep into Slenderman mythology. I'm spending more time looking at Slenderman info than actually getting any work done and it seems i fell into the marble hornets series. so once i finish watching up to date i will begin doing a Marble hornet watch here on this blog im currently in the middle of moving and getting a team together to start making videogames. we already have a company name called "Mental Malice" and after long debate decided we are going to use Slenderman as our mascot hopfully before too will will be working on our first project. no spoilers yet but we do have and idea in the work and as you may have guessed slenderman will be in it some where
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Game Complete - Slender
The Good
- Slenderman
- No Instructions (just the knowledge you have to collect 8 pages)
- $20 mode
The Bad
- no map (gets confusing at times)
- No Instruction (you kinda just have to wing it)
- real short game play
The Ugly
- Flashlight only last so long
Scariest Moment : Seeing and Being Caught by Slenderman
First thing first download this game Download
Did you download it yet? (hurry up and do it )
Now...people who have been following me know that i've kinda been partial to Slenderman and put my fair share of his pics on here and even did a creature feature of him (check the archive if you wanna see). and now i've just finished "Slender".Slender is a free download psychological horror/survival horror video game which just came out in June for PC and Mac.
Slender begins with the you taking the role of an unidentified female character. the view of the game is in first person shooter style but you get no weapons. you are given flashlight, with a low battery that needs to be conserved. The game takes place in a dark forest that is surrounded by a chain link fence that cannot be crossed. There are various landmarks scattered throughout the woods including vehicles, buildings, a giant tree, huge rocks, wooden walls, stone pillars, a tunnel, and old fuel tanks.
The point of the game is to find a total of eight notes hidden throughout the woods (one on each of the different landmarks). The notes show messages concerning Slender Man.
Why Its Funny:
The joke comes from the web series Marble Hornets(which i am still in the process of watching) Marble Hornets is part of the Slenderman myth, some of the videos have distorted audio or missing audio, and someone put the song "Gimmie 20 dollars," every time Slenderman appears onscreen, during entry #6. He's pretty much stalking them to get his money.so the creators of this game thru this in just to
Lesson in Malice 2
- feeling of anxiety: an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger
- frightening thought: an idea, thought, or other entity that causes feelings of fear
- reverence: respect or awe for somebody or something
What is fear? Technically it is a fight or flight response to a real or perceived threat. Fear is an emotion that responds to threatening situations. Animals exhibit fear and have elaborate defense mechanisms built in to respond to threats. Because we are physically an animal so do we. We respond to threat pretty much in the same way an animal does. Except that humans have a higher mental capacity than animals. This is a gift that separates us from the animal kingdom, but at the same time gives us rational thought. So that humans can reason their situations out and react not in a rigid way as an animal does, but in varied ways.
An animal cannot choose to be not fearful, it either is or isn't fearful depending on the situation. Animals are programmed to respond based on instinct. That is that they do what they do because they are compelled to act in a certain way. Humans have some of the same instinct tendencies that animals have, but with the capacity to rationalize our situations, we can, no matter what the threat, real or perceived, choose to fear or not to fear.
Fear is an Emotion
It's precisely this kind of fear that I would like to address here. The kind which is based not on a real threat, but on what our minds make out as threats. What kind of threat would that be. Well it could be that feeling of dread we sometimes get when you come into work in the morning and the boss grunts at you? You think to yourself, "Oh shit, there're pissed, I must be in trouble".
Psychological research has demonstrated that fear can be acquired either through a conditioning process or by vicarious experiences. The conditioning theories postulate that fear is a learned response "occurring to signals (conditioned stimuli) that are premonitory of (i.e., have in the past been followed by) situations of injury or pain (unconditional stimuli)" Conditioning can cause fear, it also can be used to reduce or extinguish some fears by the use of systematic desensitization. Fears that are acquired vicariously are believed to be developed by observing fear in others. Bandura observed that not only could attitudes and behaviors be developed by observing others but by using the psychological technique of modeling other people's appropriate behavior, fearful attitudes and behaviors can be changed.
Additionally, there is some research offering theories that fear can also be acquired through the absorption of threatening information. "fears can be generated by information that is slightly or not at all threatening but which is misinterpreted by the recipient as being threatening"
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Game Complete- Harvester
The Good
- umm...there was gore in it !?!?!?!
- kinda erie with the whole secrete lodge deal
- ???
- point and click
- made no sense the whole way thru
- you spend most of your time talking to people who don't wanna talk to you or tell you to "Join the lodge"
- trying to install the damn thing
I'm not gonna lie THIS GAME SUCKS!!!!!!When i first heard of this game, i thought it would be scary (considering every blog that talked about it said it was the "scariest game ever made"). I read reviews and this game got a lot of praise. I decided to get my hands on a copy of it and was very disappointed. I knew it was an older dos game but jeez, i didn't know it was 'that' bad. The fact they tried to make it over the top gory is what ruined the game. The people of the town are like they are straight out of the music video for "black hole sun" (don't know it look look it up now its ok i can wait..........................................................................................................................................) the worst part of the whole deal was trying install the damn thing so i could play. i use windows 7 right now just for the fact the good out weighs the bad and what ever problems i do have i can fix but since this game was made in '96 i had to run it in dosbox and never having to figure out how to run games in that program i spent more time learning how to use dos then play the game. Although not surprising, the controls are simple point and click. It is hard to master combat controls as all you do is Right Click and you have to time it just so and in the right direction(the only time you actually us it is when you finally enter the lodge at the end or when you personally get pissed off at a certain fat fuck who molests a little girl and nobody else gives a fuck if the dick did it or not).being nothing more than an advanced visual novel with strong 80's quality horror (im not saying i dont like that kind of thing cause The Return of The Living Dead was freaking AMAZING!)

You have to visit various locations in Harvest, using an overhead map you move from place to place, speaking to various towns people and click special "hotspots" at each location to learn important information or to collect items to progress through the game. The items he collects are shown on a special inventory screen, which can be accessed by clicking on Steve. The game's progress can be saved through multiple save states and FYI you really only need one. The player can attack other characters by selecting a weapon item then right clicking on the target character. Accordingly, the player's character also has limited health and can die. However, although many puzzles have an alternate "solution" involving killing another character
The game stars Steve Mason, who awakes with a case of amnesia in a strange town in 1953 called Harvest. He can’t remember anything from his past and when he tells the people that claim to be his family, as well as townsfolk, they all tell him what a kidder he is. All of the town inhabitants are extremely eccentric and many appear to be more a satire or stereotype than real people. They all continuously stress to Steve that he should join the Lodge, which is a large building located at the center of town that serves as the headquarters of the Order of the Harvest Moon. Steve visits the Sergeant at Arms at the Lodge, who tells him that all of his questions will be answered inside the building. To enter, he must first join the Order of the Harvest Moon. But in order to join, he must perform a series of tasks that range from simple vandalism to arson for his initiation.
While snooping around town, performing these various tasks and learning more about this bizarre and corrupt town, Steve visits the Pottsdam residence. Here he meets the overweight and perverted Mr. Pottsdam, who tells Steve that he is to marry his daughter, Stephanie, in a few weeks. Steve meets his alleged wife-to-be upstairs and she explains that she has amnesia as well, and, like Steve, notices that something doesn’t seem right about the town. Over a series of days Steve successfully performs all of the required tasks to which the Sergeant explains that, inside the Lodge, he will learn the truth, and eventually grants Steve access.
Sadly enough the game comes down to two different ending and its prettry cut and dry THE GOOD .....
or bad!
As you can see either way its a lose situation (does kinda remind me of assassins creed tho)
i dont know what people were thinking when they said this game was good but its cheesy and just plain uninvolving. hopfully i never come across a game this bad ever again. they did get one thing right tho the abllity to knock the fat fucks head off when you find out thats he is a sick fucking child molester i found that self gratifying. (and please dont think just because that one part is what made me hate the game cause every bit of the over the topness cause with the suicide and and the foreiner getting zapped even including the "playing house" part was amazing ..... separately, but the way they presented the whole thing was terrible )
Monday, July 23, 2012
Scary Pics 4
Seems like i been slacking of recently, photos that actually SCARE are coming up short but i still find them some way or another but while I'm giving you todays dose of photos plus a story, i have come across to older games that I'm told are supposed to make me "shit myself". They are Harvester a point and click adventure game and Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of The Earth which i have played a little of the way thru before but not enough to know if its really "scary" i have both of these games now and will be playing thru them for the next couple days so while I'm doing that I'm gonna have more Creature Features and Lessons in Malice in store I'm just feeling kinda lazy and what I'm looking for is i short supply so this is what i can give you for now. HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY!

ok so anyone who knows me knows that i like sponge bob so todays tale is about a lost episode called Squidward's Suicide first part is the story second one is a re-enactmentPics

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Creature Feature:Slenderman
Slenderman: He is described as wearing a black suit and as the name suggests, appears very thin and able to stretch his limbs and torso to inhuman lengths in order to induce fear and ensnare his prey. Once his arms are outstretched, his victims are put into something of a hypnotized state, where they are utterly helpless to stop themselves from walking into them. He is also able to create tendrils from his fingers and back that he uses to walk on looking something like a daddy long legs spider Whether he absorbs, kills, or mearly takes his victims to an undisclosed location or dimension is also unknown as there are never any bodies or evidence left behind in his wake to deduce a definite conclusion.
Not much is known, as no specific information has been found about his origins, but his objective and habitat are made very clear. He has the need to kidnap children (with the occasional adult who goes looking for him), and is seen right before the disappearance of a child or multiple children. He seems to prefer fog enshrouded streets and wooded areas as a way to conceal himself from being noticed. It should also be noted that children have been able to see him when no other adults in the vicinity could. Children also have dreams or nightmares concerning The Slender Man before their disappearance. Confiding these stories to their parents are met with the usual parental admonition: overactive imaginations.
In the year 1284 a mysterious man appeared in Hameln. He was wearing a coat of many colored, bright cloth, for which reason he was called the Pied Piper. He claimed to be a rat catcher, and he promised that for a certain sum that he would rid the city of all mice and rats. The citizens struck a deal, promising him a certain price. The rat catcher then took a small fife from his pocket and began to blow on it. Rats and mice immediately came from every house and gathered around him. When he thought that he had them all he led them to the River Weser where he pulled up his clothes and walked into the water. The animals all followed him, fell in, and drowned.
Now that the citizens had been freed of their plague, they regretted having promised so much money, and, using all kinds of excuses, they refused to pay him. Finally he went away, bitter and angry. He returned on June 26, Saint John's and Saint Paul's Day, early in the morning at seven o'clock (others say it was at noon), now dressed in a hunter's costume, with a dreadful look on his face and wearing a strange red hat. He sounded his fife in the streets, but this time it wasn't rats and mice that came to him, but rather children: a great number of boys and girls from their fourth year on. Among them was the mayor's grown daughter. The swarm followed him, and he led them into a mountain, where he disappeared with them.

people agree that the Slender Man holds a strange power of children, just as in the dark fable “The Pied Piper of Hamelin.” He hides in the deep of the forest, People say that no one can behold the Slender Man up close, as was the case for the King in Yellow and great Cthulhu. The Lovecraftian element becomes even stronger, as some decide that the Slender Man is not of this Earth, but an inter-dimensional being.
I suspect that's the main reason I responded to the images. There’s a potency to the Slender Man, something that goes beyond definition. Certainly there’s the distance, and the stillness, and that monochrome anonymity. Traits common to stories separated by centuries. But mostly, there’s that nagging voice inside that whispers this should not be here. But, of course, it is here, and we have to deal with it. Late in the thread, one of the users suggests that by putting all their individual ideas and horrors together into this one figure, they may have given form to an actual boogeyman, a la Candyman. Silly, yes, but, after we wake from a nightmare, and the stars are still out, aren’t there at least a few seconds where boogeymen (and slender men) feel as real as anything else?
The Operator Symbol, a circle with an X through it, (X), has become the calling sign of the Mythos. The symbol first appeared in Marble Hornets, where its appearance usually signaled that slenderman was nearby. In the first season, no explanation for what the Operator Symbol was or did was ever given. Now that season 2 is being made, we might get an explanation for its purpose in the Marble Hornets continuity, or they may just keep it a mystery.
Because of its distinct appearance, and the mysteriousness behind it, the Operator Symbol quickly spread to other stories. It is now often used as a sign that a blog is a Slender Man blog; sure, events in the blog may be going normally, but then suddenly you see a little circle X, and you know what you’re going to be in for. The amount of attention that has been given to this single symbol has resulted in many stories using the symbol in their own ways, or making their own explanation for it. Since this is the Slender Man Mythos, we aren’t going to get anything near a real consensus, but that’s what makes studying this so much fun.
the theory of (X) acting as Slender repellant. In accordance with his claim that Slender Man cannot Slender-walk while being observed, the Operator Symbol acts as a giant eye, or a face, making Slender Man think he is being watched. This effect is only a temporary defense, not a permanent one; even if you cover every corner of your room with Operator Symbols, Slender Man will eventually be able to break through.
While this doesn’t work 100% of the time Operator Symbols acting as a defensive measure is very common, So if you’re a runner, this is the most likely effect of the Operator Symbol. It’s still a good idea to find out early on, before Slender Man starts acting aggressive, whether this is the case or not; you don’t want to be accidentally drawing him towards you by drawing symbols all over the place, thinking they will protect you.
Since i have just recently learned of
the Marble Hornets i will look into it some more and then give you a followup on my finding because as i said before this is creepier than any thing i've ever seen especially since i have seen him in my dreams and it was before i even knew who Slenderman was!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
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