The Good
- umm...there was gore in it !?!?!?!
- kinda erie with the whole secrete lodge deal
- ???
- point and click
- made no sense the whole way thru
- you spend most of your time talking to people who don't wanna talk to you or tell you to "Join the lodge"
- trying to install the damn thing
I'm not gonna lie THIS GAME SUCKS!!!!!!When i first heard of this game, i thought it would be scary (considering every blog that talked about it said it was the "scariest game ever made"). I read reviews and this game got a lot of praise. I decided to get my hands on a copy of it and was very disappointed. I knew it was an older dos game but jeez, i didn't know it was 'that' bad. The fact they tried to make it over the top gory is what ruined the game. The people of the town are like they are straight out of the music video for "black hole sun" (don't know it look look it up now its ok i can wait..........................................................................................................................................) the worst part of the whole deal was trying install the damn thing so i could play. i use windows 7 right now just for the fact the good out weighs the bad and what ever problems i do have i can fix but since this game was made in '96 i had to run it in dosbox and never having to figure out how to run games in that program i spent more time learning how to use dos then play the game. Although not surprising, the controls are simple point and click. It is hard to master combat controls as all you do is Right Click and you have to time it just so and in the right direction(the only time you actually us it is when you finally enter the lodge at the end or when you personally get pissed off at a certain fat fuck who molests a little girl and nobody else gives a fuck if the dick did it or not).being nothing more than an advanced visual novel with strong 80's quality horror (im not saying i dont like that kind of thing cause The Return of The Living Dead was freaking AMAZING!)

You have to visit various locations in Harvest, using an overhead map you move from place to place, speaking to various towns people and click special "hotspots" at each location to learn important information or to collect items to progress through the game. The items he collects are shown on a special inventory screen, which can be accessed by clicking on Steve. The game's progress can be saved through multiple save states and FYI you really only need one. The player can attack other characters by selecting a weapon item then right clicking on the target character. Accordingly, the player's character also has limited health and can die. However, although many puzzles have an alternate "solution" involving killing another character
The game stars Steve Mason, who awakes with a case of amnesia in a strange town in 1953 called Harvest. He can’t remember anything from his past and when he tells the people that claim to be his family, as well as townsfolk, they all tell him what a kidder he is. All of the town inhabitants are extremely eccentric and many appear to be more a satire or stereotype than real people. They all continuously stress to Steve that he should join the Lodge, which is a large building located at the center of town that serves as the headquarters of the Order of the Harvest Moon. Steve visits the Sergeant at Arms at the Lodge, who tells him that all of his questions will be answered inside the building. To enter, he must first join the Order of the Harvest Moon. But in order to join, he must perform a series of tasks that range from simple vandalism to arson for his initiation.
While snooping around town, performing these various tasks and learning more about this bizarre and corrupt town, Steve visits the Pottsdam residence. Here he meets the overweight and perverted Mr. Pottsdam, who tells Steve that he is to marry his daughter, Stephanie, in a few weeks. Steve meets his alleged wife-to-be upstairs and she explains that she has amnesia as well, and, like Steve, notices that something doesn’t seem right about the town. Over a series of days Steve successfully performs all of the required tasks to which the Sergeant explains that, inside the Lodge, he will learn the truth, and eventually grants Steve access.
Sadly enough the game comes down to two different ending and its prettry cut and dry THE GOOD .....
or bad!
As you can see either way its a lose situation (does kinda remind me of assassins creed tho)
i dont know what people were thinking when they said this game was good but its cheesy and just plain uninvolving. hopfully i never come across a game this bad ever again. they did get one thing right tho the abllity to knock the fat fucks head off when you find out thats he is a sick fucking child molester i found that self gratifying. (and please dont think just because that one part is what made me hate the game cause every bit of the over the topness cause with the suicide and and the foreiner getting zapped even including the "playing house" part was amazing ..... separately, but the way they presented the whole thing was terrible )
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