Friday, July 13, 2012

My Mission


 I love scaring people and video games. I like the idea of an action/adventure game that integrates fighting, exploration, puzzle solving, and a story. I must admit that I am also partial to horror as a story genre, probably thanks to the vast number of horror movies I consumed in my youth. As with horror cinema, survival horror games are usually quite bad. When a good one comes along, however, it's worth its weight in gold. and that is what I'm hoping to create.

 To tell you the truth, my real interest lies in games that are adept at eliciting an emotional response from the player. I think that video games have the potential to be a medium that can effectively convey emotion (as books and film do with such immense power), but at the moment most game design is mired a technological arms race. The death march toward ever better technology has caused the actual content of video games--the parts that make games fun and maybe even meaningful--to stagnate. However, there are a small number of games released each year that are designed with the sole purpose of manipulating the player's emotions, and most of these games fall within the horror genre. I am playing horror games and documenting my findings not just because I enjoy the horror genre, but because I think the lessons that the designers of these games learn will eventually be applicable to a much wider range of games.

On this blog you will find my attempts to catalog my findings on scary/horror games i am playing/completed, complete with review scores, notes, and screenshots,also random photos and stories that i have found to be terrifying. My goal is to find out what scares people and create an expanded story line, create a truly horrifying video game and from that experience create a set of guidelines for future game developers.

 Now, here is the part where you come in. Im generating this database from my personal knowledge and fairly extensive internet searching. However, I have no doubt there is a vast collection of knowledge that i have yet to uncover If you find anything that fits my collection let me know and i will add it to my data base and expand from there.

About the Quest 
When I first decided to make make the scariest game ever made, I foolishly planned to jump right into it and start making it but "one does not simply walk into mordor" I quickly realized that i was in over my head. In order to give myself some chance of actually completing this quest, I decided to focus on these specific things:
1. If it scares me it goes in the blog no question asked!(which is hard)
2. Nothing is taboo (i will offend someone but gross is not scary)
3. When completing a game post what was good bad ugly and most terrifying moment.
4. When posting pictures minimum of 10-15 pics and include one scary story.
5. Creepy < Scary = True < Inspired

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